One of the most liberating truths I’ve come to enjoy is that God wants us to live real and open lives with each other, putting one foot in front of the other, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot…
I particularly like the way scripture speaks of “walking” through life. It’s a natural metaphor of living, and moving and just being. When you think about it, most real achievement comes about as a result of untold small steps. Faithful small efforts that build and build.
We received an email from a Muslim listener in Russia recently who told us how his life is slowly turning around. He’s gradually moving from being a wounded, angry husband and father, to …. “feeling better and better.” Notice how I didn’t tell you his whole world was instantly turned upside down, and everything is OK now? Sure, that happens from time to time. And it’s wonderful, of course. But in most cases, for most of us real, normal human beings, when we make ourselves available to God, He heals our lives slowly – left foot, right foot, one step at a time.
Karim wrote:
“I have a lot of problems. My wife left me. My oldest son began using drugs. I worry about my daughters. I was so mad, and stressed, I was very aggressive. I feared becoming truly aggressive, and what if I started a fight for no reason?
I began listening to your programme on my phone. What was truly amazing to me was that your hosts and guests were talking about their problems openly, not pretending everything in their life was perfect. You talked about what helped them, and on occasions you prayed for people “live” on the programme. I don’t know what was happening, but something was changing in my heart. I’m a Muslim, and on several occasions I tried praying to the God of the Christians. And after each time, I felt better and better.”
Karim wrote more, and the bottom line is this – he’s making daily simple steps in a new walk with God. A walk where he’s being real with himself, with God and with other people. And as he says, “I feel better and better.”
When you face the struggles of life, remember the way to “better and better” is usually about taking simple steps, one at a time, talking with with Jesus by your side who says
“I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
Be encouraged,
P.S. FEBC Russia is available online, and on Apps here.
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