I admit it – I sometimes shout at the radio! My kids think I’m crazy, but some comments just really deserve a response.
Well if you’re anything like me, you’ll appreciate this great story just through from our Disaster Response Team (aka First Response Radio).
FEBC & Disaster Response have partnered up with FrontlineSMS, a humanitarian organisation that empowers people and communities to make social change using mobile technologies. In a nutshell, this means when we broadcast in a disaster zone we can provide a mobile number for instant messaging back to our relief team. This allows affected people to feedback straight away – sharing their stories, telling what kinds of information and relief they need. This two way process empowers the affected community and holds the relief community accountable. Thanks to the FrontlineSMS technology we receive the text messages right onto the laptop in the Disaster Response suitcase studio.
In times of disaster, local FM radio and SMS messaging are two of the most robust forms of communication. We’ve learned in Disaster Response Radio that FM and SMS are a very powerful combination.
So, no more shouting from a distance. And for people caught in disastrous situations, the ability to connect, share, and dialogue is getting a whole lot easier. To read more about Disaster Response Radio and FrontlineSMS, click these links.

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