For an optimistic encourager, I’ve found 2020 quite a challenging year, and with this week’s Lockdown 2.0 my mind is busy with a million important thoughts! I have to admit, there have been times when I’ve felt a little overwhelmed by all the information and all the commands to do, and be, and think certain ways. How are you coping?
Tumultuous times, sickness, and leadership dilemmas are as old as the hills. So, what do we do when the messages and the thoughts start to get the better of us? I believe God says “Remember!” When the disciples were perplexed and afraid after the crucifixion of Jesus, and searching for his body at the tomb, angels appear and effectively said – ‘Remember what Jesus said before. Bad things will happen, but he said he will rise from the dead.’ (Luke 24:6).
“This is true mindfulness, and the Bible is full of this instruction.”
To remember is ‘to bring to mind.’ It is to recall and think on something. This is true mindfulness, and the Bible is full of this instruction. When the Psalmist was downcast, he determined to remember God (Psalm 42:6). When the Apostle Paul wrote from his final imprisonment to encourage Timothy, he said “Think over what I say” (2 Timothy 2:7), and “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead,” (v.8). This is not as if Timothy had forgotten Jesus, but was an instruction to bring to mind and think on this wonderful empowering truth!
There is a battle on for our minds, and most of our struggles are won and lost in the realm of our thinking. So as the health, economic, and political messages roll in over the coming days, I encourage you to read the gospels, and think about Jesus Christ, risen from the dead! The overcomer King who loves you and graces us with life and healing forever.
Take courage,
Matt Perry.
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