Receipts must be about the most boring documents on earth, right?
Not to everyone – my wife’s grandmother used to keep them all and read them for hours after a supermarket shopping trip! OK, so she was exceptional. I can barely make sense of the receipt I get for 5 items at Countdown (“where’s my discount? How much was that in the end?” “Did my Onecard make a difference?”)
But if you’re like me, I suspect a receipt is a necessary but slightly dangerous little reminder of how much cash you just extinguished. EXCEPT when it’s your donations receipt. I just received one from Indonesia where New Zealand FEBC donors gave $2000 to allow the staff of a radio station to have a weekend away for training and spiritual refreshing. These people slog it out day after day outnumbered 1 million to 1, sharing the love and grace of Jesus with Muslim listeners, and following up each inquiry with a phonecall or a visit.
I think that is the most wonderful, satisfying, joy-giving little piece of paper I’ve read in a while.
When you get your annual donations receipt from us and/or whatever charities you gave to in the last financial year, grab a cup of coffee and a piece of something tasty, and stare at it for a while. Just enjoy the feeling of pleasure that comes with being generous. You’re allowed to, the feelings are legit.

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