Did you know it’s World Radio Day today? February 13th 2012.
It’s good to celebrate major milestones and it’s good to recognise the value of technology. I really really really believe that God allows things to be developed because they WILL be used to announce His awesomeness in some way shape or form. While almost anything can be used for evil (radio, television, planes, knives, internet, rope…. you name it) I am determined to stop and remember the God-glorifying intention that allowed it to come in to existence. Radio is being used to reach and bless people everywhere – in cities and remote villages, the rich, and the poorest of the poor, the smart and the illiterate, people in comfort and those sheltering from disaster…
How many radios and audio receiving devices do you have?
Have you ever considered gifting a radio (or two) to people with little or no access to the Good News of Jesus? Next month I will be personally visiting some underground churches (or behind the bamboo curtain – whichever metaphor you prefer) where we fund radio distribution and ethnic language broadcasting in South East Asia. Please check out FEBC’s NZ web site and give it some thought. I can personally guarantee these radios and broadcasts really get in! 🙂 Thanks

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