If you do a web search of New Zealand News sites for the words “Good Samaritan,” you’ll find loads of stories about Kiwi people helping complete strangers in trouble: Some go to the rescue of people being attacked or abused. Others just offer a helping hand with no expectation of reward. That’s a good comparison to the Bible character who Jesus said we should copy (Luke 10)
Did you know there’s another kind of Good Samaritan in the Bible?

Jesus was aware that after turning water into wine in Cana, many people in Galilee followed him in the hope of seeing something spectacular. But others, from next door in Samaria, believed in Jesus because they heard about his great insight, and so they went after him and spent time getting to know him. In two days these Samaritans realised that Jesus is “the Savior of the world,” and they put their faith in him. (John 4)
So I particularly love to share news of work that is both helping people to hear and understand Jesus, and practically doing good to total strangers. This picture is FEBC staff in Thailand who regularly travel and visit listeners who need a visit and have practical needs. They visited this listener called “Uncle Thawin”. He has listened for years on the radio in the picture, and now he suffers from intestinal cancer. Our staff are able to pray with him, and his wife, and offer practical help and connections to other helpful ministries.

Thanks for your support. Be encouraged,
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