Every now and then a Facebook post appears that promises to tell me what kind of animal I would be, or what creature in the Lord of the Rings I would be, or who in Star Wars I am! To be honest I haven’t done one yet. Another one promised to give me a new nationality based on my favourite foods ( wow – I like lasagne and olives so I could be …. you guessed it! ).
I’m on the look out now for one that offers to incarnate me as a car. If I see it, I’ll post this in the comments section: “I don’t care what kind of car I am, as long as I can handle the s-bends.”
Growing up as a follower of Christ means learning to navigate the tougher times and not spinning out. Most cars can go fast in a straight line, but knowing when to slow down, knowing when to take a break and get some rest, and knowing when to put your foot down – these things take practice in the real-life corners of family, friendship and community.
Whether you’re a new believer, or the leader of a mega-church, your personal friendship with God will determine how you make it around the corners. Deferring to Him constantly in gratitude, asking of Him regularly for wisdom, enjoying Him in the Bible , chatting with Him in prayer. There are no substitutes to being with God and growing up in His presence.
When facing some great challenges and a great journey ahead, Moses summed up the idea by basically saying to God ‘If we don’t experience your presence, we’re not going anywhere.’ Exodus 33:15
Helping people navigate life is what Christian broadcasting is about. Teaching, inspiring, sharing real life testimonies, counselling and modelling Christ’s way are some of the ways FEBC helps listeners around the world, navigate around the corners.
Be encouraged,
P.S. I think I’d like to be a Subaru !

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