Unprecedented Communication!


As we communicate the amazing things we believe and experience of God, it soon becomes evident to our listeners (whether they’re in Thailand or Iraq) that our message of hope in Christ for eternity is like nothing anyone else has ever said!


Some people listen for years, making up their minds. Others listen once and make contact immediately to put the tough questions to our staff. I recently hosted a visitor from our India offices who shared that when they lease time on local government FM & AM stations they cannot mention the Bible or Jesus Christ! They can only speak of Christian values and ideas. Typically people phone or write to them with comments and questions like this:


“You people must be Christians! No one else talks about forgiveness like you do, or mercy, or love the way you do. Please send me some literature. When are you meeting in my area?”


When the temple guards were sent to arrest Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles, they returned empty handed. Why? At the risk of their lives or at least their jobs and reputations, they simply answered:


“No one has ever spoken like that man!” (John 7:46)


The announcement of the love of God in Jesus Christ, whether subtly expressed in Community Radio programmes or boldly announced in unambiguous testimony, is an unprecedented message! Will you join us in making it known? Please sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter Skywaves, full of radio initiatives and encouraging testimonies. Email your name and address to me today. Your support makes a huge difference and the message is getting through!


Bless you greatly,

Matt Perry

An FEBC listener in Thailand

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